
Friday, 7 September 2012

Review: Interrupted by Rachel Coker

Title: Interrupted: Life Beyond Words
Author: Rachel Coker
Series: n/a
Publication Date: 1st March 2012

My Synopsis:  
Allie’s lived with her Mum in almost seclusion until one day her mother dies and she is sent away to live with a stranger. Years later Sam Carroll her childhood friend shows up in her town, she blames him for her mother’s death and hasn’t seen him since, can she get over it and learn to love him?

Why I picked this book up: 
I saw it on Netgalley and the synopsis appealed to me.

Did it live up to my expectations? 
I didn’t really have any expectations of this book, it was better than I thought it would be though.

What I thought: 
I don’t normally read historical romance books as I find the time difference to me distracting, but with this book I didn’t really notice it was set in another time, especially in the beginning. Allie annoyed me as a person, it was as though she never grew up and refused to change, I loved Sam though. The romance part was quite good and kept me reading, but at times I found it hard to keep up with the time changes, especially when her mother was dying. I also felt like I had missed out, reading about her as a child, then suddenly she was a woman, and again when Sam went to war, I thought those parts would have made interesting reading.
Overall I enjoyed it, but didn’t love it and wouldn’t read it again.

My favourite quote/s from the book: 
“I did, and the first thing I saw was heaven, the way it was meant to look from earth. Millions of dazzling stars were strung across the sky above us. Tinkling and dancing and singing.

Read if: 
You like romance books , especially ones set in wartime.

Up next for review: 
Saving June by Hannah Harrington

1 comment:

  1. ومعدات للجدران ومعدات لتنظيف الدرايش (الشبابيك) أيضا وأما عن طريقة عملنا في عملية تنظيف الخزانات في شركة حكايه بعد أن يقوم العميل بالإتصال بنا للإبلاغنا
    أنه يريد تنظيف شقتة يقوم المندوب المختص بإستقبال مكالمات العملأ وهي ماتسمي (خدمة العملأ) لدينا شركة شركة تنظيف خزانات بالطائف
    يقوم المندوب الذي قام بإستقبال المكالمة بالإستفسار من
    العميل عن كل ما يحتاجه في عملية تنظيف الشقق وبعد أن يقوم مندوبنا بإستقبال مكالمة العميلوبعد الإنتهاء من الإستفسارعن كل ما يحتاجه العميل في عملية تنظيف الشقه لديه يقوم مندوبنا


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